OOSTEN H.H. VAN, VERSLUIJS R, & WIJK R. VAN (2014) Migration routes and wintering areas of two Dutch Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe in the Sahel. LIMOSA 87 (2): 168-173.
The Dutch population of Northern Wheatear (hereafter
wheatear) has declined by 80% since 1980, without reasons
being sufficiently known. Stimulated growth of nitrophilic
grasses by deposition of atmospheric nitrogen, reinforced
by the decline of grazing Rabbits Oryctolagus caniculus,
rendered previously short vegetations unsuitable for
foraging wheatears and reduced the availability of nest-sites.
However, seemingly suitable sites remain or are currently
being restored without being graced by breeding wheatears.
Additional causes may thus play a role, which partly might
act during migration or on the wintering grounds in Africa.
To determine where Dutch wheatears winter and how they
get there, we deployed light-level geolocators on nine
birds, of which four returned and two yielded data. An adult
male from the coastal dune region migrated 4600 km to
winter in southern Mali, and a young female from an inland
heath flew 4200 km to a winter destination 600 km to the
northwest in southern Mauritania. Spring migrations were
completed faster (219-300 km/d) than autumn migrations
(107-127 km/d), when short stopovers were made in Europe
and longer ones in southern Iberia or the northern edge of
the Sahara desert (Fig. 1, Tab. 1).
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