COTTAAR F (2009) Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus exploit maize as a new food source in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 82 (1): 23-25.
During autumn migration nearly the entire Svalbard
breeding population of Pink-footed Geese stays in
Southwest Friesland, the Netherlands, where they use a
limited number of traditional staging sites in farmland.
So far, the geese almost exlusively fed on improved pastures.
However, recently a tendency to exploit harvested
fields of maize has developed, following a general expansion
of maize fields in the region (from 440 to 3513
ha between 1987-2003 in the study area). In October-
November 2008, for the first time large concentrations of
Pink-footed Geese were observed to feed onmaize stubble.
The geese clearly preferred fieldswith large amounts
of spilled maize (cobs) or fields where grass and herbs
like Stellaria sp. had emerged after the harvest. Most
fields were exploited for 7-10 days and then abandoned.
As harvest was spread over several weeks, the geese
were able to feed onmaize stubble for a prolonged period.
FromDecember onwards, after harvest was completed,
the geese entirely switched to feeding on grassland.
The geese quickly searched newly harvested fields for
(parts of)maize cobs. Often, complete families were seen
to feed on the same cob(s) and competition between
families was observed at the best spots. In flocks of geese
feeding on maize the percentage of first-year birds was
clearly higher (21.9-36.8%, mean 26.9%, N = 1496) than
that in the whole study area (11.7%, N = 17,126) at the
same time, and this difference was confirmed in a direct
comparison in three flocks that were spread over maize
fields and adjacent grassland.
Although feeding on arable crops is a rather new phenomenon
for Pink-footed Geese in the Netherlands,
Pinkfeet have been reported to exploit arable fields, notably
cereal stubble and autumn-sown cereals in Norway
and Denmark. Also at thewinter staging sites in Belgium,
feeding on autumn-sown cereals and maize stubble has
been observed recently. These observations show that
despite their traditional use of staging areas and food resources,
geese are very well able to react to new developments
like expansion of new crops. However, asmaize
is harvested in a limited period in autumn and fiels seem
to be attractive for only 7-10 days thereafter, grassland
will probably remain the most important food resource.Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus = Anser fabalis brachyrhynchus
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