TURNHOUT C VAN& VAN ROOMEN M (2008) Trends in phenology of Sanderling Calidris alba in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 81 (1): 1-10.
In this paper we describe phenology, distribution, numbers
and trends of Sanderling in the Netherlands.
Phenology differs significantly between mudflat areas
(in Wadden Sea and Delta) and North Sea beaches. In
mudflat areas numbers are highest during spring (May)
and autumn (August-October) migration, whereas on
beaches most Sanderlings are present during midwinter
(Fig. 1, 2). Numbers of Sanderling have strongly increased
in the recent decade in the Netherlands,without
a clear difference betweenmigrating andwintering populations
(Fig. 3). Also, trends within mudflat areas
(Wadden Sea and Delta) appear rather similar (Fig. 4).
However, trends differ strongly between mudflat areas,
where numbers have increased, and North Sea beaches,
where they are stable (Fig. 5). Furthermore, within the internationalWadden
Sea population trends are different.
In Schleswig-Holstein and Niedersachsen numbers are
more or less stable, in contrast to increasing populations
in Denmark and The Netherlands (Fig. 6). Possible causes
of these differentiated trends are discussed. Carrying capacity
of Dutch mudflat areas for Sanderlings may have
increased as a result of the observed increase in worm
stocks. Simultaneously, conditions on the beaches may
have been unaltered, or may even have deteriorated because
of increased beach nourishment and recreation.
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