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HOUT PJ VAN DEN (2007) Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus breeding on Texel in 2006. LIMOSA 80 (3): 102-107.

In the summer of 2006, a pair of Nightjars visited the island of Texel, The Netherlands, where the last documented breeding event stemmed from the second half of the 19th century. In the period between 14 June and 1 September 2006, the activities (calls and sightings) of the birds were documented on 33 nights in a time window of two to three hours starting from sunset. As neither a nest nor fledglings were observed, on the basis of my observations, I sketch two possible scenarios about the course of the breeding season for these birds. The birds' flight and vocal activity correlated with wind force, moth abundance and particularly with the illumination phase of the moon cycle (Fig. 2).

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limosa 80.3 2007
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