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Bijlsma R.G. (2005) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 93 (1) : 3 - 4. [free copy]
Bos D., Drent R.H., Rubinigg M. & Stahl J. (2005) The relative importance of food biomass and quality for patch and habitat choice in Brent Geese Branta bernicla. ARDEA 93 (1) : 5 - 16. [abstract]
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Lu X. & Zheng G.M. (2005) Cooperative young-caring behaviour in a hybrid population of White and Tibetan Eared-pheasants in Tibet. ARDEA 93 (1) : 17 - 24. [abstract]
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Mallory M.L. & Forbes M.R. (2005) Sex discrimination and measurement bias in Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis from the Canadian Arctic. ARDEA 93 (1) : 25 - 36. [abstract]
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Bijlsma R.G. & van den Brink B. (2005) A Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica roost under attack: timing and risks in the presence of African Hobbies Falco cuvieri. ARDEA 93 (1) : 37 - 48. [abstract]
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Piersma T., Rogers K.G., Boyd H., Bunskoeke E.J. & Jukema J. (2005) Demography of Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria staging in The Netherlands, 1949–2000. ARDEA 93 (1) : 49 - 64. [abstract]
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Rogers K.G. & Piersma T. (2005) Monitoring vital rates of a migrant shorebird population: the case of ‘wilsternetted’ Eurasian Golden Plovers. ARDEA 93 (1) : 65 - 77. [abstract]
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Both C., Piersma T. & Roodbergen S.P. (2005) Climate change explains much of the 20th century advance in laying date of Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus in The Netherlands. ARDEA 93 (1) : 79 - 88. [abstract]
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Neto J.M. & Gosler A.G. (2005) Breeding biology of the Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides in Portugal. ARDEA 93 (1) : 89 - 100. [abstract]
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Antczak M., Hromada M. & Tryjanowski P. (2005) Spatio-temporal changes in Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor impaling behaviour: from food caching to communication signs. ARDEA 93 (1) : 101 - 107. [abstract]
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Moreno-Rueda G. (2005) Is the white wing-stripe of male House Sparrows Passer domesticus an indicator of the load of Mallophaga? ARDEA 93 (1) : 109 - 114. [abstract]
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Bell C.P. (2005) The origin and development of bird migration: comments on Rappole and Jones, and an alternative evolutionary model. ARDEA 93 (1) : 115 - 123. [abstract]
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Rappole J.H. (2005) Evolution of old and new world migration systems: a response to Bell. ARDEA 93 (1) : 125 - 131. [abstract]
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Tsachalidis E.P., Liordos V. & Goutner V. (2005) Growth of White Stork Ciconia ciconia nestlings. ARDEA 93 (1) : 133 - 137. [abstract]
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Oliver P.J. (2005) Roosting behaviour and wintering of Eurasian Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus in south-east England. ARDEA 93 (1) : 137 - 140. [abstract]
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Dissertation reviews (2005)
Fawcett T.W.: von Engelhardt N. 2004. Proximate control of avian sex allocation: a study on Zebra Finches
Thomassen H.: Elemans C.P.H. 2004. How do birds sing? Sound analysis - mechanical modelling - muscular control
. ARDEA 93 (1) : 141 - 146.
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Nuijen H. (2005) In memoriam: Gerardus Albertus de Vries. ARDEA 93 (1) : 147 - 148. [free copy]
Book reviews (2005)
Schröder J.: Møller A.P., Fiedler W. & Berthold P. (eds) 2004. Birds and climate change
Carere C.: Gariboldi A., Andreotti A., Bogliani G. (eds) 2004. La Conservazione degli Uccelli in Italia. Strategie e azioni
Bijlsma R.G.: Calvert M. 2005. Reed warblers at Rostherne Mere
Bijlsma R.G.: Gálvez R.A., Gavashelishvii L. & Javakhishvii Z. 2005. Raptors and owls of Georgia
Bijlsma R.G.:Patrikeev M. 2004. The birds of Azerbaijan
Tennekes H.: Videler J.J. 2005. Avian Flight
. ARDEA 93 (1) : 149 - 158.
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