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Searching for: [jaar] = 2006

Bijlsma R.G. (2006) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 94 (1) : 1 - 2. [free copy]
Dalbeck L. & Heg D. (2006) Reproductive success of a reintroduced population of Eagle Owls Bubo bubo in relation to habitat characteristics in the Eifel, Germany. ARDEA 94 (1) : 3 - 21. [abstract]
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Mayr G. (2006) A rail (Aves, Rallidae) from the early Oligocene of Germany. ARDEA 94 (1) : 23 - 31. [abstract]
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Helm B., Fiedler W. & Callion J. (2006) Movements of European Stonechats Saxicola torquata according to ringing recoveries. ARDEA 94 (1) : 33 - 44. [abstract]
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Andreu J. & Barba E. (2006) Breeding dispersal of Great Tits Parus major in a homogeneous habitat: effects of sex, age, and mating status. ARDEA 94 (1) : 45 - 58. [abstract]
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Jubb M.R., Wilkin T.A. & Gosler A.G. (2006) Eggshell-pigmentation, soil calcium and the local abundance, distribution and diversity of woodland snails (Mollusca). ARDEA 94 (1) : 59 - 70. [abstract]
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Trnka A. & Prokop P. (2006) Do predators cause a change in passerine movement patterns as indicated by mist-net trapping rates? ARDEA 94 (1) : 71 - 76. [abstract]
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Post P. & Götmark F. (2006) Seasonal changes in Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus predation: prey vulnerability in relation to visibility in hunting habitats and prey behaviour. ARDEA 94 (1) : 77 - 86. [abstract]
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Paracuellos M. (2006) Relationships of songbird occupation with habitat configuration and bird abundance in patchy reed beds. ARDEA 94 (1) : 87 - 98. [abstract]
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Alonso D., Arizaga J., Miranda R. & Hernández M.A. (2006) Morphological diversification of Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra populations within Iberia and the Balearics. ARDEA 94 (1) : 99 - 107. [abstract]
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Scholte P. (2006) Waterbird recovery in Waza-Logone (Cameroon), resulting from increased rainfall, floodplain rehabilitation and colony protection. ARDEA 94 (1) : 109 - 125. [abstract]
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Poisbleau M., Fritz H., Dano S. & Lambrechts M.M. (2006) Body measurements and hormonal within-pair covariation in wintering and spring staging Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla. ARDEA 94 (1) : 127 - 131. [abstract]
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Bulyuk V.N. (2006) At what time of the day do passerine nocturnal migrants arrive at their breeding sites? ARDEA 94 (1) : 132 - 139. [abstract]
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Drent R.H. (2006) In memoriam G.F. Makkink, 1907–2006, Prolific Pioneer. ARDEA 94 (1) : 141 - 143. [free copy]
Book reviews (2006)
Camphuysen C.J.: BWPi 2006. The birds of the western Palearctic interactive, 2006 Upgrade
Bijlsma R.G.: Bakken V., Runde O. & Tjørve E. 2006. Norsk ringmerkingsatlas. Vol. 2
Bijlsma R.G.: Mebs T. & Schmidt D. 2006. Roofvogels van Europa, Noord-Afrika en Voor-Azië
Bijlsma R.G.: Pannach G. 2006. Die Uferschwalbe

. ARDEA 94 (1) : 145 - 148.
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2006)
Elemans C.: Terpstra N.J. 2005. The neural substrate for auditory perception and memory in birds
Wymenga E.: Scholte P. 2005. Floodplain Rehabilitation and the future of Conservation & Development. Adaptive management of success in Waza-Logone, Cameroon
. ARDEA 94 (1) : 149 - 154.
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Notices (2006)
. ARDEA 94 (1) : 155 - 155.
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Bijlsma R.G. (2006) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 94 (2) : 157 - 158. [free copy]
Foppen R.P.B., Majoor F.A., Willems F.J., Meininger P.L., van Houwelingen G.Ch. & Wolf P.A. (2006) Survival and emigration rates in Kentish Charadrius alexandrinus and Ringed Plovers Ch. hiaticula in the Delta area, SW-Netherlands. ARDEA 94 (2) : 159 - 173. [abstract]
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Patterson I.J. & Hearn R.D. (2006) Month to month changes in age ratio and brood size in Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus in autumn. ARDEA 94 (2) : 175 - 183. [abstract]
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Rutz C. (2006) Home range size, habitat use, activity patterns and hunting behaviour of urban-breeding Northern Goshawks Accipiter gentilis. ARDEA 94 (2) : 185 - 202. [abstract]
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Marques P.A.M., Márquez R. & Vicente L. (2006) Brood size and nestling vocal begging behaviour in the Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis. ARDEA 94 (2) : 203 - 210. [abstract]
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Thingstad P.G., Nyholm N.E.I. & Fjeldheim B. (2006) Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca population dynamics in peripheral habitats in Scandinavia. ARDEA 94 (2) : 211 - 223. [abstract]
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Steen R., Selås V. & Stenberg I. (2006) Impact of weather on annual fluctuations in breeding numbers of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor in Norway. ARDEA 94 (2) : 225 - 231. [abstract]
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Denac D. (2006) Resource-dependent weather effect in the reproduction of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia. ARDEA 94 (2) : 233 - 240. [abstract]
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Paiva V.H., Ramos J.A., Machado D., Penha-Lopes G., Bouslama M.F., Dias N., Nielsen S. (2006) Importance of marine prey to growth of estuarine tern chicks: evidence from an energetic balance model. ARDEA 94 (2) : 241 - 255. [abstract]
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Chiaradia A. & Nisbet I.C.T. (2006) Plasticity in parental provisioning and chick growth in Little Penguins Eudyptula minor in years of high and low breeding success. ARDEA 94 (2) : 257 - 270. [abstract]
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van den Hout P.J. (2006) Dense foraging flotillas of Eurasian Coots Fulica atra explained by predation by Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Aspideretus gangeticus. ARDEA 94 (2) : 271 - 274. [abstract]
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Förschler M.I. & Kalko E.K.V. (2006) Age-specific reproductive performance in Citril Finches Carduelis [citrinella]. ARDEA 94 (2) : 275 - 279. [abstract]
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Limiñana R., Soutullo A., Urios V. & Surroca M. (2006) Vegetation height selection in Montagu’s Harriers Circus pygargus breeding in a natural habitat. ARDEA 94 (2) : 280 - 284. [abstract]
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Book reviews (2006)
Bijlsma R.G.: Caro T. 2005. Antipredator defenses in birds and mammals
Bijlsma R.G.: Boyd I.L., Wanless S. & Camphuysen C.J. (eds) 2006. Top predators in marine ecosystems: Their role in monitoring and management
Bijlsma R.G.: Gamauf A. & Berg H.-M. (eds). 2006. Greifvögel & Eulen in Österreich
Bijlsma R.G.: Marzluff J.H. & Angell T. 2005. In the company of crows and ravens
Bijlsma R.G.: Mizera T. & Meyburg B.-U. 2005. International Meeting on Spotted Eagles (Aquila clanga, A. pomarina, A. hastata) – Research and conservation
Bijlsma R.G.: Resetaritz A. 2006. Ökologie überwinternder Rotmilane Milvus milvus (Linné, 1758) im Nordharzvorland
Bijlsma R.G.: Stubbe M. & Stubbe A. (eds) 2006. Populationsökologie von Greifvogel- und Eulenarten
van Manen W.: Südbeck P., Andretzke H., Fischer S., Gedeon K., Schikore T., Schröder K. & Sudfeldt C. 2005. Methodenstandards zur Erfassung der Brutvögel Deutschlands
. ARDEA 94 (2) : 285 - 292.
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2006)
van der Jeugd H.: Van der Graaf A.J. 2006. Geese on a green wave: Flexible migrants in a changing world. ARDEA 94 (2) : 293 - 296.
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Notices (2006) . ARDEA 94 (2) : 297 - 297. [free copy]
Drent R.H. & Daan S. (2006) Eberhard Gwinner 1938–2004: An appreciation. ARDEA 94 (3) : 299 - 303. [free copy]
Drent R.H. (2006) The timing of birds’ breeding seasons: the Perrins hypothesis revisited especially for migrants. ARDEA 94 (3) : 305 - 322. [abstract]
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Nager R.G. (2006) The challenges of making eggs. ARDEA 94 (3) : 323 - 346. [abstract]
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Alerstam T. (2006) Strategies for the transition to breeding in time-selected bird migration. ARDEA 94 (3) : 347 - 357. [abstract]
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Hobson K.A. (2006) Using stable isotopes to quantitatively track endogenous and exogenous nutrient allocations to eggs of birds that travel to breed. ARDEA 94 (3) : 359 - 369. [abstract]
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Klaassen M., Abraham K.F., Jefferies R.L. & Vrtiska M. (2006) Factors affecting the site of investment, and the reliance on savings for arctic breeders: the capital–income dichotomy revisited. ARDEA 94 (3) : 371 - 384. [abstract]
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Schmutz J.A., Hobson K.A. & Morse J.A. (2006) An isotopic assessment of protein from diet and endogenous stores: effects on egg production and incubation behaviour of geese. ARDEA 94 (3) : 385 - 397. [abstract]
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Hedenström A. (2006) Scaling of migration and the annual cycle of birds. ARDEA 94 (3) : 399 - 408. [abstract]
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van Gils J.A., Piersma T., Dekinga A. & Battley P.F. (2006) Modelling phenotypic flexibility: an optimality analysis of gizzard size in Red Knots Calidris canutus. ARDEA 94 (3) : 409 - 420. [abstract]
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van der Jeugd H.P. & Litvin K.Y. (2006) Travels and traditions: long-distance dispersal in the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis based on individual case histories. ARDEA 94 (3) : 421 - 432. [abstract]
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Newton I. (2006) Advances in the study of irruptive migration. ARDEA 94 (3) : 433 - 460. [abstract]
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Roshier D.A., Klomp N.I. & Asmus M. (2006) Movements of a nomadic waterfowl, Grey Teal Anas gracilis, across inland Australia – results from satellite telemetry spanning fifteen months. ARDEA 94 (3) : 461 - 475. [abstract]
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Klaassen R.H.G., Nolet B.A. & Bankert D. (2006) The influence of social interactions on the foraging path of Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii. ARDEA 94 (3) : 477 - 484. [abstract]
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Buehler D.M., Baker A.J. & Piersma T. (2006) Reconstructing palaeoflyways of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene Red Knot Calidris canutus. ARDEA 94 (3) : 485 - 498. [abstract]
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Henningsson S.S. & Alerstam T. (2006) Implications of migratory connectivity for species’ ranges and subspeciation of arctic shorebirds. ARDEA 94 (3) : 499 - 509. [abstract]
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Both C., Sanz J.J., Artemyev A.A., Blaauw B., Cowie R.J., Dekhuijzen A.J., Enemar A., Järvinen A., Nyholm N.E.I., Potti J., Ravussin P.-A., Silverin B., Slater F.M., Sokolov L.V., Visser M.E., Winkel W., Wright J. & Zang H. (2006) Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca travelling from Africa to breed in Europe: differential effects of winter and migration conditions on breeding date. ARDEA 94 (3) : 511 - 525. [abstract]
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Tøttrup A.P., Thorup K. & Rahbek C. (2006) Changes in timing of autumn migration in North European songbird populations. ARDEA 94 (3) : 527 - 536. [abstract]
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Jefferies R.L. & Drent R.H. (2006) Arctic geese, migratory connectivity and agricultural change: calling the sorcerer’s apprentice to order. ARDEA 94 (3) : 537 - 554. [abstract]
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Bauer S., Madsen J. & Klaassen M. (2006) Intake rates, stochasticity, or onset of spring – what aspects of food availability affect spring migration patterns in Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus? ARDEA 94 (3) : 555 - 566. [abstract]
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van der Graaf A.J., Stahl J., Klimkowska A., Bakker J.P. & Drent R.H. (2006) Surfing on a green wave – how plant growth drives spring migration in the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis. ARDEA 94 (3) : 567 - 577. [abstract]
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Nolet B.A. (2006) Speed of spring migration of Tundra Swans Cygnus columbianus in accordance with income or capital breeding strategy? ARDEA 94 (3) : 579 - 591. [abstract]
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Delingat J., Dierschke V., Schmaljohann H., Mendel B. & Bairlein F. (2006) Daily stopovers as optimal migration strategy in a long-distance migrating passerine: the Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. ARDEA 94 (3) : 593 - 605. [abstract]
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Morrison R.I.G. (2006) Body transformations, condition, and survival in Red Knots Calidris canutus travelling to breed at Alert, Ellesmere Island, Canada. ARDEA 94 (3) : 607 - 618. [abstract]
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Bregnballe T., Frederiksen M. & Gregersen J. (2006) Effects of distance to wintering area on arrival date and breeding performance in Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. ARDEA 94 (3) : 619 - 630. [abstract]
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Furness R.W., Crane J.E., Bearhop S., Garthe S., Käkelä A., Käkelä R., Kelly A., Kubetzki U., Votier S.C. & Waldron S. (2006) Techniques to link migration patterns of seabirds with diet specialization, condition and breeding performance. ARDEA 94 (3) : 631 - 638. [abstract]
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Merkel F.R., Mosbech A., Sonne C., Flagstad A., Falk K. & Jamieson S.E. (2006) Local movements, home ranges and body condition of Common Eiders Somateria mollissima wintering in Southwest Greenland. ARDEA 94 (3) : 639 - 650. [abstract]
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Mosbech A., Gilchrist G., Merkel F., Sonne C., Flagstad A. & Nyegaard H. (2006) Year-round movements of Northern Common Eiders Somateria mollissima borealis breeding in Arctic Canada and West Greenland followed by satellite telemetry. ARDEA 94 (3) : 651 - 665. [abstract]
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Eichhorn G., Afanasyev V., Drent R.H. & van der Jeugd H.P. (2006) Spring stopover routines in Russian Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis tracked by resightings and geolocation. ARDEA 94 (3) : 667 - 678. [abstract]
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Glahder C.M., Fox A.D., Hübner C.E., Madsen J. & Tombre I.M. (2006) Pre-nesting site use of satellite transmitter tagged Svalbard Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus. ARDEA 94 (3) : 679 - 690. [abstract]
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Fox A.D., Francis I.S. & Bergersen E. (2006) Diet and habitat use of Svalbard Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus during arrival and pre-breeding periods in Adventdalen. ARDEA 94 (3) : 691 - 699. [abstract]
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Hübner C.E. (2006) The importance of pre-breeding areas for the arctic Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis. ARDEA 94 (3) : 701 - 713. [abstract]
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