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HOOGERWERF A (1951) New details on preventing the spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia regia Gould), in West Java). LIMOSA 24 (3): 91-99.

In Limosa (21. 1948. No. 2-3. p. 104) and Treubia (19. 1918. p. 96) we published the first record in Java (Indonesia) of the spoonbill Platalea leucorodia regia Gould. The observation was made in the bird-sanctuary Pulau-Dua (Bantam. West-Java),
About ten years later, when Pulau Dua could be visited again for the first time since 1942. the species could be established anew. for between 13 and 16 July 1951 a pair of spoonbills in Full breeding dress was there and on August, the 5th a bird in non-breeding plumage made its appearance. There was a nest, containing one egg, originating from the birds in breeding plumage, amidst a flock of sacred ibises (Threskiornis aethiopicus melanocephalw (Lath.)) of about 45 nests among which were 5 nests with fresh or slightly incubated eggs. The spoonbill's egg too proved to be slightly incubated. The remarkable behavior of the spoonbills - none was seen sitting on the nest and the bird that often stood on the nest or was nearby, sometimes flew to nests of sacred ibises with young and acted as were he the parent-bird - makes it probable that the spoonbills at first were sexually stimulated by the nearly related sacred ibis, in the neighbourhood of which the egg was laid, but that the stL'l1ulating factors. leading to the pairing and to producing an egg, diverged in both species at a certain stage, causing the fai lure of the clutch. The nest was deserted.

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limosa 24.3 1951
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