ALTENBURG JF & BOUDEWIJN TJ (2020) Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica predation by Tawny Owl Strix aluco. LIMOSA 93 (1): 15-22.
This paper describes effects of a Tawny Owl hunting inside
a barn and repeatedly predating on adult Barn Swallows
during the breeding season of 2019. Predation by the
Tawny Owl took place around full moon, which likely
resulted in higher light levels in some parts of the barn. The
percentage of successful broods at this location was 50%:
c. 30% lower than the five-year average for this site (2014-
18). The breeding success in 2019 at other Barn Swallow
research sites in the region was almost 40% higher than at
the predated location (Fig. 1). Only four of the 11 (colour-)
ringed adult birds, which were identified at the start of the
breeding season, were seen or retrapped after the predation
events. Collected tail feathers in the barn indicated that at
least seven adults had been predated. The length of the
outmost rectrices and their white spot-lengths were used
to sex the remains: one male and two females (Tab. 2). Four
remains could not be assigned to a sex. Leaving behind
intact tail and wing feathers of the predated adult birds may
be characteristic for predation by Tawny Owls. One out of
three females that had a second clutch after the predation
incidents, changed nest location and partner, despite her
‘ex’ still being alive (Tab. 1). She returned to her former
partner for her third attempt in another nest. A successful
breeding male also changed partner after the predation
events and had a second and third clutch with a second
female. Switching of partners during the breeding season
was not recorded at the other Barn Swallow research sites in
the region. This Tawny Owl predation had significant effects
on the breeding population and local reproduction, but can
be qualified as a rare event.
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