GERRITSEN G (2008) Mass fishing in Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in the lower River IJssel during adverse summer weather. LIMOSA 81 (1): 30-31.
Since 1996,mass-fishing of up to 4000 Great Cormorants
has been observed in the IJsseldelta (Province Overijssel)
in 8 out of 12 breeding seasons. The birds originate from
the large colony at the Oostvaardersplassen, Flevoland
(2500-5500 breeding pairs). The largest distance between
the colony and the feeding sites in the delta of the
River IJssel is 50 km. All observations coincided with
strong winds (4-6 Beaufort), mostly from a NNW or NW
direction. Under these conditions, fishing at the usual
feeding sites at the large lakes IJsselmeer enMarkermeer
is severely hampered by high water turbidity. Previous
research has shown that Cormorant breeding success is
strongly affected by such conditions since feeding bouts
to less turbid waterbodies take too long to raise young
successfully. As a result, birds from the large colonies in
the southern part of the IJsselmeer andMarkermeer now
disperse to smaller colonies in the northern part of the
IJsselmeer, where feeding conditions are less affected by
adverse weather.
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