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CASTELEIJNS H (2001) Dramatic decline of the Grey Partridge Perdix perdix in central Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. LIMOSA 74 (1): 32-35.

Grey Partridges are highly resident and inhabit farmland. The southwestern region of the Netherlands, especially Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, is known as a stronghold for Grey Partridge. Grey Partridges are easily counted in open farm land when snow-covered (e. 350 ha per hour). In a study area in Central Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (824 km2, 80% arable fields, 5% grassland) complete census counts were carried out during the winters of 1990/91, 1993/94 and 2000/01. In February 1991,696 Grey Partridges were counted (70% of the study area covered), in February 1994 461 individuals (98% covered) and 122 Grey Partridges in December 2000 (72% covered). Numbers in the study area were estimated at 875, 461 and 140 individuals respectively (Tab. 1, Fig. 2) Numbers feil by 84% in a period of ten years, densities have dropped from about 10.6 to 1.7 ex./km". Presumed that two birds together formed a pair, on 11-12 February 1991, 16% of the individuais was associated in pairs, 68% was associated in pairs on 21-23 February 1994. No pair band was determined in December 2000. Before 1990, no snow-cover surveys were carried out. In the adjacent West ZeeuwsVlaanderen snow-cover survey numbers have fallen with more then 75% in 1970-85. This resembles the drastic decline in breeding bird numbers of a sampling area of 15-20% in Central Zeeuws-Vlaanderen: 80% in 1960-85. II is concluded that the decline of the Grey Parlridge in the stronghold (Central) Zeeuws-Vlaanderen amounted to 95% in Ihe period 1960-2000 Grey Partridge Perdix perdix

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