NOLET BA, BEEKMAN JH, KLAASSEN M, LANGEVOORD O & SANTAMARIA L (2000) Waterplants and Bewick Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii: a mutual dependence?. LIMOSA 73 (3): 105-108.
Who keeps what has what. An article from a Limosa
of 1939 shows that in the Little Swans
years just before the closure of the Zuiderzee
the entire winter on aquatic plants foraged
(Brouwer & Tinbergen 1939). They ate in particular
Pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus.
Since 1995, the Working Group on Plant-Animal Interactions
of the Dutch Institute for Ecological
Research - Centre for Limnology Research
the interdependence between the
Little Swan and its main food plant.
We focus on two themes, namely
(1) grazing and the survival strategy of
aquatic plants and (2) migration and dispersion of
aquatic plants
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