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GROEN NM (1991) Origin of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa wintering in Morocco. LIMOSA 64 (2): 47-49.

There are three important sites for waders on the Moroccan west coast, i.e. Merja Zerga(north of Kenitra), Sidi Moussa (north of Oualidia) and the Lagune de Khnifiss (south of Agadir). We trapped and dyed Blacktailed Godwits at the Merja Zerga reserve in December 1989 in order to determine the breeding areas of these birds. Thirteen out of 43 birds captured and colour-dyed were observed in NW-Europe: eleven birds in The Netherlands (seven of them breeding birds), one bird in Belgium and one in Germany (tab. I, fig. I). Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa Limosa limosa islandica

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