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EERDEN MR VAN (1991) Ongoing research: Bird Research IJssselmeergebied. LIMOSA 64 (1): 31-32.

Anyone who cares about waterfowl, will at least several times a year the most ridden Vogelweg In The Netherlands: the Knardijk. Looking Ahead Impressive on the Oostvaardersplassen bird concentrations are observed. the adjacent parts of Southern Flevoland not yet issued to private farmers, called large farm (in 1990 approximately 10 500 ha) offer the setting of large numbers of raptors, ducks swim and geese. A frequently made ​​the trip along Oostvaardersdijk Ribs and Wood Lice offers unprecedented opportunities for observing large groups of Cormorants, mergansers and diving ducks. It is clear: the kilometer lofts with highest Dutch standards are exceeded In terms IWRB lie within a radius of ten kilometers around Lelystad. The entire area is a IJsselmeer area where waterbirds are particularly happy place to be. From its management and task organization, the Executive Rijkswaterstaat Flevoland also responsible for a number of bird studies. The central question that plays, is whether the food to prevent of waterfowl and determine certainly not least, what factors are responsible for that rich food. Ultimately it is the intention of the management of IJsselmeer lake and Oostvaardersplassen Using the results of research. To unravel the Flevo effect, we Now in collaboration with researchers from the University Groningen about ten years and spent several studies are now about as far as can be reported. This will give an overview of the main activities related to the studies the open water as well as a preview of some conclusions so far.

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limosa 64.1 1991
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