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JUKEMA J (1988) Short contributions: On the Pacific Lesser Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva as a migrant in Friesland. LIMOSA 61 (3): 189-189.

Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Interviews with eleven part time professional catchers (average age 71) of Golden Plovers in the province of Friesland suggest that these people trapped considerable numbers of Pacific Golden Plovers Pluvialis fulva in the first half of this century. They called this golden plover Iittle dusky plover. Their independent descriptions of plumage, body condition, time of occurrence, and flight behaviour agree with each other. Their reports are in accordance with the current literature on the Pacific Golden Plover. The plovers were mainly caught just for the first cold spell in the autumn, at a moment that the majority of Golden Plovers P. apricaria had left the province. In recent years, there are no records. The reason for its absence now can not be given.

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limosa 61.3 1988
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