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MEES GF (1982) Dutch Ornithological Union: Willem Hellebrekers and the National Museum of Natural History. LIMOSA 55 (4): 147-147.

As far as can be dated to the first contact Hellebrekers between William and the National Museum of Natural History of Dec. 13, 1931, when he , seemingly spontaneously, in a letter to the then Director Prof. E. D. Oort turned stating that his egg collection a testament to the Museum had entertained. He added: I hope the transfer is still some time to leave waiting . After the contact was made, the relationship between Hellebrekers and the Museum grew closer, which correspondence in the archives testimony travels. Although he primarily Palaearctische eggs collected, stated that he soon free access was given to the museum collections him is also to v, erdiepen in egg collections come from other wildlife areas. As published by aileen his hand is still regularly cited Work Measurements and weights of eggs or birds on the Dutch list that as a separate publication the saw the light (Brill, Leiden, 1950) but also two important articles about the famous collection of eggs from Suriname collected by the brothers Penard, already in 1910 in the Museumberustte but still remained untreated. (cf So! 'notice. 24: 240-275, 25: 93-100). The disinterested during many years in the egg collections work done, led to that Prof. Boschma, the successor of Prof.. of Oort, a proposal submitted to him for Scientific Outside employee's objection to National Treasury do appoint a ministerial appointment for which decision of October 14, 1946 was ratified. In the following years was a

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