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BRAAKSMA S (1978) Short announcements: Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhu/a breeding in reedmarsh. LIMOSA 51 (1): 74-74.

Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula On 20 May 1977, in a small marshy area in Mensinge, a nature reserve near Roden in the province of Drenthe, a female Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula flew from a nest with five eggs. A male bullfinch joined her almost immediately after she uttered her first alarm-call. The nest, a typical nest of a Bullfinch, was located about 15 em above the waterlevel in a vegetation consisting of Carex and Phragmites. The nearest (elder) forest-edge is about 60 m from the breeding-place. In former years several times Bullfinches were observed in the small marshes belonging to this nature reserve but we never thought of the possibility that these birds might be breeding there.

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limosa 51.1 1978
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