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LAMBECK RHD (1977) The occurrence of Brent Goose Dranta bernicla subspecies in the Dutch Wadden Sea area during spring 1976. LIMOSA 50 (3): 92-97.

Nearly all Brent geese Branta bernicla.visiting The Netherlands in the winter season belong to the nominate sub-species B.b. bernicla. Hitherto it had been assumed that the Pale-breasted Brent, B.b. hrota, was only a rare guest in this country. During a field study in the 1975/76 season on population ecology of B.b. bernicla in the Dutch Wadden Sea area, one or more hrota's were seen regularly in the flocks. From 20 March on sightings were systematically recorded (Table I). All birds seen were in adult plumage; presumably most are of sub-adult status. It seems likely that many different individuals were involved in view of the spread of places and dates in the observations. I conclude that probably several tens of B.b. hrota visited The Netherlands that season. Perhaps this is the rule every year. One hrota (2 May 1976, saltings Linthorst-Homanpolder, province of Groningen) wore a yellow neck-collar. This individual had been ringed in the summer of 1975 on BathurstIsland, arctic Canada, and was also rec.orded in England (Lindisfarne) and one time (8 April 1976) on the Dutch Island of Schiermonnikoog by A.K.M. St. Joseph. So not all hrota's are necessarily from the Spitsbergen population. There were two records of the Black Brant, B.b. nigricans. One on the Lauwerpolder saltings, province of Groningen (5 and 7 March) and the second on the Island of texel (30 April and II May). These constitute the third and fourth sighting of this subspecies in The Netherlands. The possibility that these birds are escapes can, however, not been excluded. Pale-bellied Brent Goose Branta hrota = Branta bernicla hrota Black Brant # Brent Goose Branta nigricans # Branta bernicla nigricans Dark-bellied Brent Goose Branta bernicla

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