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BEINTEMA AJ, BILT E VAN DER, HELMING B & THUYLS T (1976) The Black Brant, Branta bernicla nigricans, a new subspecies ofthe Brent Goose for The Netherlands. LIMOSA 49 (3): 131-134.

From November 29th, 1974, until April 16th, 1975 at least one individual of Branta bernic/a nigricans was regulary observed on the island of Terschelling, in the Dutch Waddensea. The bird was seen together with about 1100 wintering Dark-breasted Brent Geese, (B.b. bernic/a). Since this subspecies, of which the Siberian population is sometimes separated as B.b. orientalis. it is not described in European field guides, some general information is given on subspecies of the Brent Goose. This is the first record for the Netherlands which has been accepted by the Dutch Record Committee (CNA). One individual was seen in England in 1957 and in 1958. Black Brant # Brent Goose Branta nigricans # Branta bernicla nigricans CNA = Commission for the Dutch Avifauna CDNA = Committee Rarities Dutch Avifauna

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limosa 49.3 1976
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