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VLEUGEL DA (1975) Probably breeding of Sperwergrasmus Sylvia nisora ​​in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 48 (3): 163-170.

Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria From 27 May to 2 July 1973, the behavior of a pair of Sperbergrasmlicke Sylvia nisoria studied. The nest was left alone because it is very perturbations in will leave easily. On June 30, boys were observed. The following defenses were recorded: First Scoff. Second Very good Vermogen to remain silent, even the young birds. Third a to sneak a great talent and climb through the Rye. 4th Very good Vermogen the nest to hide and keep hidden. 5th Zigzagging flight when leaving the Cfl the nest. In my opinion is a better spotter Sperbergrasmlicke than the other Sylvia species with us, which included Monchsgrasmlicke Sylvia atricapillus. The following song of derision were heard by me and others: First Melcher (1952) heard the song elements of the Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis in the relevant area of the Swiss S.G. occurred. Second A kind of hybrid between singing and Dunnock Prunella modularis Dorngrasmlicke Sylvia communis occurred both in the Lower Mildam area. Heard from the Cfl I have a song that was presented during the flight, which the very good singing Dorngrasmlicke equaled. Third The i! i also sang a song mixing between Dorngrasmlicke and Monch. 4th Also singing was heard, which resembled the Gartengrasmlicke Sylvia borin, but was sharp and klirzer. Brehm called the song a summary of yom-Dorngrasmlicken and Gartengrasmlickenlied. 5th A Ges3mg that the song was like the Monchsgrasmlicke was not heard, probably a beautiful short and full verse, which was unknown to me.

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limosa 48.3 1975
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