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VOOUS KH, HARTSUIJKER L & SMIT JJ (1973) Sushkins Bean Geese in The Netherlands. LIMOSA 46 (3): 228-232.

The occurrence of Sushkin's Bean Geese Anser fabalis "negleetus" Sushkin in The Netherlands is discussed following up a recent note by Van Impe (1971). Extensive ringing activities of the Rijksinstituut voor Natuurbeheer (RIN) have revealed 8 or 10 specimens, which is ca. 0.1% of a total of ca. 7250 Bean Geese caught between the winter seasons of 1954-55 and 1971-72, and making a total of IO-I2 Sushkin's Geese at present known from The Netherlands. Four of these were of the slender-billed western Forest Bea

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limosa 46.3 1973
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