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MARLE JG VAN, VOOUS KH & WATTEL J (1973) Northern Treecreeper and other eastern invaders in the Netherlands in 1971 - 1972. LIMOSA 46 (1): 63-66.

Northern Treecreeper and other eastern invaders in the Netherlands in 1971-72. A description is given of the first specimen of Certhia jamiliaris collected in the Netherlands. It is a first-year bird of unknown sex (but probably a male), caught during ringing operations at Spaubeek, province of Limburg, on 24 December 1971. It is asigned to the race familiaris from North and Northeast Europe, rather than to the Central European from macrodactyla. During the same winter season a moderate influx of other eastern or northern European birds has been noticed, some of which have been recorded in this paper as well: a second and well-documented observation of a Pleske's Tit (Parus caeruleus X P. cyanus) in Western Europe (5-15 December 1971, Baarn), the description of a flock of some 200 white-headed Long-tailed Tits Aegithalos caudatus caudatus (19 Decembe. r 1971, Baarn), which is the first authenticated record of this race from the Netherlands, and the sight-record of a lone individual of a northern Willow Tit Parus montanus borealis (9 January 1972, Amsterdam). All but the Willow Tit record (which probably is right, but cannot be accepted on the sale basis of a field record) have been verified and accepted by the Committee for the Netherlands Avifauna Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris familiaris Pleske's Tit Cyanistes cyanus x Cyanistes caeruleus White-headed Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus caudatus

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