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MEIJER R & UIL G DE (1971) The habitat of the Common Buzzard in winter. LIMOSA 44 (1): 45-53.

During the winters of 1968-1969, 1969~1970 and 1970--1971 the number of Common Buzzards in the Alblasserwaard and Tielerwaard-West was established. In the summer of 1970 the density of the most important prey-animals was determined During the winters of 1968-1969, 1969~1970 and 1970--1971 the number of Common Buzzards in the Alblasserwaard and Tielerwaard-West was established. In the summer of 1970 the density of the most important prey-animals was determined It appeared that the distribution of the Common Buzzards could not be correlated with the density of their prey. Only local fluctuations could be explained by that factor. From observations and calculations it appeared that the presence of a suitable sleeping-place determines another distribution mechanism. This means that the ideal winter-habitat of the Common Buzzard is an open landscape with many small woods. Most probably the migration over rather long distances to a sleeping-place must be considered as an adaptation, whereas normally a sleeping-place is choosen which is situated closely to the hunting-grounds.. Common Buzzard Buteo buteo

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limosa 44.1 1971
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