VEN J VAN DER (1964) The Common Heron in the Netherlands in 1963 and 1964. LIMOSA 37 (3): 308-309.
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
The severe 1962 1963 winter caused a considerable reduction in the number of
breeding pairs of the Common Heron (Ardea cinerea L.) in the Netherlands. In a
number of the in total approximately 135 colonies the number of pairs, breeding in
1963 and in 1964, could be compared with estimates, which were obtained in previous
The total number of breeding pairs was estimated at 6000-7000 in 1962 and at
3500-4000 in 1963.
In 1963 the reproduction rate was low (partly due to food shortage) and there are
indications that in 1964 the breeding population remained at the previous years level.
However, 1964 was a good breeding year and an increase in numbers is expected.
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