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MARRA N (1964) Dotterel nesting again in a new polder in the former Zuyderzee. LIMOSA 37 (1): 1-4.

Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus = Eudromias morinellus Dotterel (Charadrius morinellus) nesting again in a new polder in the former Zuyderzee. On june 9th 1963 a nest of the Dotterel was found again in one of the new polders in the former Zuyderzee, this time in Eastern-Flevoland. The nest contained three eggs. The eggs hatched all three on the 10th of June. The nest lay in a field of wheat. The plants were about 30 em. high. In the wide environment of the nest there were no trees or farms. It is not impossible that more Dotterels have bred in the polder. From the 12th till the 23rd of Maya flock of about 80 Dotterels was observed in the neighbourhood of the nestingplace

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limosa 37.1 1964
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