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GEEST CB VAN DER (1961) Breeding European Honey Buzzard Pernis Cases of apivorus in Twente (1958-1960). LIMOSA 34 (3): 227-230.

European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus In 1958 we received the first report of a Wespendid on the estate Singraven in Denekamp, The next day we went there with the head gamekeeper, Mr. Kooy. About two hundred meters from his house on the banks of Dinkel, was the nest about twelve feet high in a spruce. the was made of spruce and the pine, sparingly covered with pine green, very open and with an egg in it. when asked showed that the bird is already forty days was busy. Because some certainty about the incubation period Ibestaat Ibij the Wasps ~ did, we decided to wait another week to place a shelter. A week later the bird was gone and the egg was infertile. Further observations could not be done. On August 4, 1958 we received a teldoontje the gamekeeper G. HOUSE SPITS, that in the woods south of Oldenzaal again a nest of a hawk was discovered. That same evening went we look. To one of dunwegen, on both sides with high spruces were planted, a large bird flew up from his silent litter.

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limosa 34.3 1961
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