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HEKSTRA GP & VOOUS, KH (1961) Ornithological news from the Natural History Museum of Friesland, Leeuwarden. LIMOSA 34 (1): 15-20.

Gavia artica viridigularis, wing 340, bill (culmen) 64.5. tarsus 83, middle toe (and claw) 97 mm. This is the second record of this Siberian form for the Netherlands (Limosa 28, 1955, p. 1-3). Phalacrocorax carbo carbo. wing 363, tail 170, bill (culmen) 76 mm. This is the third known specimen of this form for the Netherlands and the second from this century. The bird is in its second year and was probably over-summering. Anas platyrhynchos X Anas crecca, a female, wild-caught hybrid. Anas aeuta X Anas creeca, a male. wild-caught hybrid. Falco columbarius subaesalon, female, wing 226 mm. This is the fourth known specimen of the Icelandic form for the Netherlands and the third from this century. Of the present records three date from October and one from January. Perdix perdix sphagnetorum. two fine specimens of this now almost extinct or vanished moorland race. Tringa totanus robusta. four winter specimens with wing length of 166 (unsexed). 168 (~), 170 (un-sexed), and 176 (fS) mm. Dendrocopos major major, one specimen of this northern race. dating from the irruption of autumn and winter 1929-30, and five from the irruption of 1949-50. Motacilla alba alba X yare-ellii, a fine intermediate specimen considered to be a hybrid between the White and Pied Wagtail. Ficedula hypoleuca hypolwca, an adult spring male without white in the tail feathers. Plectrophenax nivalis insulae, an extremely dark specimen and therefore referred to the Icelandic race. Subspecific identification confirmed by Dr. F. SALOMONSEN (Copenhagen). The bird was found dead during the very cold winter of 1946-47. Reference is made to the recovery in Iceland on 6 May 1957 of a Snow Bunting ringed in Holland during the previous autumn, on 23 November 1956 (Limosa 31, 1958, p. 97). Chloris chloris chloris, a fine male specimen showing all characteristics of the Mediterranean race aurantiiventris and considered as an extremely unfrequent local Dutch variant in the clinal variation. Corvus corone carone X cornix, an intermediate specimen, such as rarely occurring in the Netherlands.

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limosa 34.1 1961
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