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BRAAKSMA S, KNIPPENBERG WHT & LANGENHOFF V (1959) Some breeding birds ofNoord-Brabant Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis and Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus. LIMOSA 32 (4): 206-212.

Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus On the occurrence of raptors in the Netherlands in the middle of the 19th century found in a remarkable data report. that Dr.. J. WTTEWAAL commissioned by the Minister of Interior had prepared in response to the premiums. according to the Hunting Act 1852 for killing pests could be claimed (1. pp. 326-334, August. p. 148). the purpose the writer was to show. that the granting of these premiums was unnecessary for the Wildbaan harmful to agriculture. just as the natural enemies of field mice, etc. in this manner were exterminated. In the new Hunting Act 1857, the premium therefore made ​​optional rather than mandatory, for The following years were indeed less premiums paid. Dr. WTTEWAAL verified. many contributions in the far ~ different county during the period 1852-1857 were paid and come. what the raptors are concerned. the following alarming accounts for those six years: Arend premiums: in the Netherlands 219. in which

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limosa 32.4 1959
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