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KLEEFSTRA R Graast de Gans de weidevogel weg?
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2019. Does intensive goose grazing affect
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KLEEFSTRA R Geen discards, geen genten
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Gannets are not attracted to fishing
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KLEEFSTRA R Elk nadeel heb zijn voordeel
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KLEEFSTRA R Een beetje dom?
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T. Lok 2019. Low fitness at low latitudes:
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an Arctic breeding shorebird. Journal of
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KLEEFSTRA R Vrije geluiden
A. Souriau, N. Geberzahn, V.V. Ivanitskii, I.M.
Marova, J. Vokurková, R. Reifová, J. Reif
& T. Petrusková 2019. Singing behind
the stage: thrush nightingales produce
more variable songs on their wintering
grounds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 150
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