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HOOGERWERF A (1951) Short Notices: Phalacrocorax sulcirostris territorial (Matthew) now also breeding in West Java. LIMOSA 24 (3): 153-155.

In "De Tropische Natuur" (Vol. 24. Juni 1935. p. 90/91) I wrote about the first record from Java of the Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris territori (Math.) and in "Zoologische Mededelingen of the Leyden Museum" (Vol. 28. 1947. p. 250) I published the discovery of a specimen of this bird in the Zoo I. Museum at Bogor (Buitenzorg. Java) that was obtained as far back as 191 8 and could be considered as the first " Belegstiick" from Java. if it might be proved that FINSCH' record "Java" (Cat. Brit. Birds. 26. p. 376) was a mistake as was supposed by BARTELS (Treubia. Vol. 11. Aug. 1929. p. 115) . Later on some more specimens were collected. but none beyond the Eastern Province of Java. On June. the 19th. 1951 I succeeded in finding about ten nes ts of the species in the bird-sanctuary Pulau Dua (Bantam. West-Java ). It may be that there were some more nests. of which I saw the fledglings on July the 13th. All nests. which I examined. contained three young or three eggs so that this seems to be normal. It was the very first time that the species was seen in West-Java. Except this Cormorant. still three striking species more could be recorded as new breeding-birds for that part of Java since 1910. •viz. N ycticorax caledanicus subsp .. Platalea leucarodia regia Gould. and Plegadis falcinellus peregrinus (Bp.). all originating from more eastern territories in Indonesia. As this part of Java is well examined ornithologically. during many years and by several well-known naturalists . it seems right to suppose. that these birds are newcomers

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