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SLUITERS JE (1951) Short notices: The breeding of the little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius curonicus Gm.) on Texel. LIMOSA 24 (3): 153-153.

In Limosa 21 . pp. 83-85 (1948) I published some observations made in 1947 on two pairs of Little Ringed Plovers in the Sluiter On Texel. which were displaying and behaving territorially. Though no eggs were found . the behaviour of the birds pointed to the fact. that it had to be breeding birds. This spring Mr. Jan Strijdbos told me. that indeed the birds nested there in 1947 and one nest was found by Mr. Traanberg. Also in 1950 the Little Ringed Plover was breeding in the same area in the Sluiter and Mr. Strijdbos had been able to film the birds. Visiting the Slufter again in 1951 I found a nest with one egg on 7 June in the same area as in the previous years. In the neighbour hood Kentish Plovers (Leucopolius a. alexandrinus (L.)) had three nests Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius

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limosa 24.3 1951
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