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VOOUS KH (1948) Notes on a collection of Javanese birds. LIMOSA 21 (2): 85-100.

This is the report of a collection of birds made by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. R 0 s i e r during the years 1922-1934 in the island of Java. The main part of this collection originated from the center part of the island (P 0 e r wok e r t 0), especially from the foothills of the volcanoe SIamat and from the South Serajoe Mountains. Additional specimens were collected on several other volcanoes (Goentoer, Patoeha, Tangkoebanprahoe, Tjaremei. Lawoe), often at rather high altitudes. A small part was collected in the neighbourhood of Batavia, especially in the marshes formed by the river Bekasi in the lowlands east of Batavia (Rawa (=. marsh) and Wadoek (= reservoir) Bekasi), as also in some of the Thousand Islands in the Bay of Batavia (Islands of Purmerend, Kerkhof, Leiden, Edam, Hoorn). Finally, a small number of specimens was obtained through native bird catchers; these are insufficiently labelled, and therefore have little value. The collection comprises 359 specimens representing 187 different species. The report is dedicated to the memory of the late Mr Rosier, who died in Japanese captivity.

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