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VOOUS KH (1948) Notes on the races of Uria aalge (Pont.) occuring along the Dutch North Sea coast. LIMOSA 21 (1): 12-14.

The majority of the material upon which this paper is based. is present in the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam. 34 from 66 specimens belong to the former collection Jansen- Op de Coul. of wich only 10 specimens are still in existence; these are preserved in the Amsterdam Museum. All specimens. however, are examined by the author. I have to thank Mr. H. W. E. Croocke wit for giving me the opportunity to examine this collection. A large series of Dutch Uria aalge in the Leiden Museum shows wing measurements that do not exceed 210 mm. Atlantic Murre Uria aalge

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limosa 21.1 1948
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