VAN DER WINDEN J, KELDER L, DE VRIES OL, SCHOBBEN HPM & POOT M (2022) The IJsselmeer area and Wadden Sea as post-nuptial staging site for Black Terns Chlidonias niger. LIMOSA 95 (3): 113-126.
Black Terns migrate after breeding to fresh and brackish
wetlands to prepare for migration to West-African wintering
areas. In Northwestern-Europe estuaries with substantial
Smelt Osmerus eperlanus populations are crucial. The area
of lake IJsselmeer with the adjacent western Dutch Wadden
Sea is the most import post-nuptial staging site along the
eastern Atlantic coast. However, the peak numbers declined
from 50.000 - 100.000 in the eighties and nineties of the
20th century to less than 20.000 nowadays (Fig. 2). This is
attributed to a decline in Smelt stocks. Five questions rose
about the situation in this staging site. Firstly, we wanted to
know if (daily) average numbers also declined in the period
and secondly if feeding and roost areas changed since the
decline in Smelt stocks. Thirdly, related to this, we investigate
differences in seasonal timing. Finally, we wondered whether
the percentage of juvenile Black Terns has decreased recently
and whether Smelt is still the most important prey.
Since 1980 volunteers have been collecting data on Black
Tern numbers on night roosts and in feeding areas as well
as data on juvenile percentages at roosting sites in the area
of lake IJsselmeer and the Dutch Wadden Sea. The regular
simultaneous roost counts were completed in intermediate
periods by partial roost counts and estimates in feeding
areas. All these estimates were interpolated to daily average
numbers. It turned out that the average seasonal (1 July to
15 September) numbers correlated well with maximum
numbers and the decline over the season is structural (Figs.
2 & 3). Juvenile percentages did not change substantially
over the years (Fig. 9) so we have no indication of a lower
reproductive success or age-related shifts towards other
staging sites. We do see a substantial variation in yearly and
within season numbers in the wetlands. Likely, the Wadden
Sea has always been important, but numbers and staging
duration still seem to increase in recent years, although
here too terns are common at the start of the season in
some years, while in other years they are most abundant
late in the season. Despite this variation in feeding sites
and fluctuations in numbers there is a clear correlation with
Smelt stocks over the monitoring period (Fig. 10). Our field
impressions indicated that Smelt is still the most important
bulk prey although occasionally Black Terns can profit from
peak emerging of chironomids and flying ants. We advise to
improve the lake habitat for pelagic anadromous fish species
like Smelt, Herring or Anchovy.
[pdf only for members] [dutch summary]