KLEEFSTRA R (2022) Other publications. LIMOSA 95 (1): 49-52.
Gillings S. & C. Scott 2021. Nocturnal flight calling behaviour of thrushes in relation to
artificial light at night. Ibis 163: 1379-1393.
Panter C.T. & A. Amar 2021. Sex and age
differences in the diet of the Eurasian
Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) using
webâ€sourced photographs: exploring
the feasibility of a new citizen science
approach. Ibis 163: 928-947.
Pollock H.S., S.E. MacDonald, J. VizentinBugoni, J.D. Brawn, Z.S. Sutton & M.E.
Hauber 2021. What the pluck? The theft
of mammal hair by birds is an overlooked but common behavior with fitness
implications. Ecology 102, e03501.
RymeÅ¡ová D., D. PavlÃÄek, J. Kirner, J. Mráz, I.
Papoušek & I. Literák 2020. Parentage analysis in the White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus
albicilla: are moulted feathers from nest
sites a reliable source of parental DNA?
Acta Ornithologica 55: 41–52.
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