KRUCKENBERG H, DüTMANN H, Kämpfer S & FARTMANN T (2021) The south-western Delta of the Netherlands is an important stopover and wintering area for the North-German breeding population of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata. LIMOSA 94 (1): 58-65.
To get more information about
migration routes, stopover- and
wintering areas of Eurasian Curlews
breeding in northwestern Germany we
tagged 45 adult birds in 2020 along a
transect ranging from the Wadden Sea
Islands in the north to the Lower Rhine
in the southwest of the breeding range.
The first results show that the Delta area
in the south-west of the Netherlands is
an important stopover and wintering
area for this population. Especially
birds migrating to the Atlantic coasts
of France, the Iberian Peninsula and the
Channel Islands used the Delta area for
a while. In particular, from seventeen
birds passing the Delta eleven stopped
there for time periods varying between
1 h and 138 h. Six birds seem to use the
Delta as wintering area.
[pdf only for members] [dutch summary]