OOSTERVELD EB & KLOP E (2019) What determines the arrival of migrants from Africa into their breeding grounds in Northeast-Friesland?. LIMOSA 92 (3): 192-200.
We studied correlations between
arrival date at breeding sites in the
northeast of the province of Friesland
and temperatures in the breeding area
and along the migration route of five
migrants (Willow Warbler Phylloscopus
trochilus, Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla,
Common Redstart Phoenicurus
phoenicurus, Common Whitethroat
Sylvia communis and Garden Warbler
Sylvia borin). Arrival dates were derived
from counts of singing birds along
two cycling routes of about 10 km
in hedgerow landscapes around the
village of De Westereen (Fig. 1-2). We
studied the influences of temperature
at different locations along their
migration route (breeding area,
middle of the Netherlands, France and
The strong correlations found in this
modest dataset suggest a strong
effect of temperature on arrival.
Temperature seems to mainly affect
first arrivals, as weaker or no effects
of temperature were found on the
dates on which half or the whole local
breeding populations had arrived (Tab.
1). Effects of temperature were mostly
found for the breeding site and the
middle of the Netherlands, and to a
lesser extent for France. This contrasts
to results by Halkka et al. 2011 who
found the strongest correlations with
temperatures at sites at larger distances
from the breeding area (500-2000 km
southwards). We found no difference
between a short-distance migrant
(Blackcap) and long-distance migrants
(Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler),
suggesting that these groups respond
similarly to weather conditions en
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