BOTH C & KLAASSEN R (2019) How do Dutch long-distance migrants wintering in Africa thrive?. LIMOSA 92 (3): 138-153.
In this contribution we review the knowledge on Dutch
long-distance migrants wintering in Africa Ringing and in
particular tracking studies reveal that most migrants follow
a western migration route to Africa (Fig. 1). Central and eastern routes are used by some species wintering in East-Africa
(e.g. Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio). Species wintering
in wetlands have increased in breeding population size,
whereas species that use forests and forest-savanna have
declined (Fig. 2). Species differ in the extent in which they
use the Sahel (Fig. 3). Some species winter in the Sahel, spending often about half a year in this climate zone. Other species use the Sahel for a stopover, and others again do not visit
the Sahel during their annual cycle at all. For eight species, a
positive effect of the amount of rain in the western Sahel and
annual population growth was found (Fig. 4). Lastly, population regulation in migrants is discussed, stressing that populations can be limited at the breeding or wintering site or or
at both (Fig. 5).
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