VERVOORT MPJ & KLAASSEN RHG (2016) Foraging behaviour of wintering Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Eastern Groningen. LIMOSA 89 (4): 145-153.
Recently, a small breeding population of Hen Harriers
established itself in the intensively-farmed agricultural
landscape of Eastern Groningen, possibly as a result of agrienvironment
schemes (set-aside habitat) implemented for
Montagu’s Harriers Circus pygargus. A few breeding Hen
Harriers equipped with GPS-loggers revealed that in winter
the birds predominantly forage over grassland instead of
set-aside, despite the fact that set-aside generally harbours
higher densities of voles, the harriers’ main prey in the study
area in winter. In order to explain this paradox, in September November
2015 we studied foraging success of harriers
hunting above grassland and set-aside. Harriers more
frequently attempted to capture prey (more encounters
and strikes per hour hunting time) on set-aside compared
to grassland. However, the number of prey captured per
hour hunting time was similar across habitats. Indeed, strike
success was lower for set-aside compared to grassland. We
conclude that because prey are more difficult to capture on
set-aside, presumably due to a more complex vegetation
structure, grassland is a favourable alternative foraging
habitat. Thus, not prey abundance per se but prey availability
dictates foraging habitat selection. An interesting new
concept in this respect are so-called bird fields where strips
of set-aside (aimed at boosting vole numbers) are combined
with strips of alfalfa (to make voles available after harvest).
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