VAN DEN BRINK B (2016) A case of infanticide in Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica as documented with webcam observations. LIMOSA 89 (1): 27-31.
This paper describes a case of infanticide in a brood of Barn
Swallows in Noordeinde in 2012, observed using a webcam.
The breeding colony consisted of 18 breeding pairs, and is
part of the Barn Swallow RAS (Retrapping Adults for Survival)
project. The webcam was installed on 6 June, when the
five eggs had been incubated for four days. Daily breeding
activities of the webcam pair were monitored by a team of
volunteers. During the incubation period the behaviour of
the attending male changed, suggesting that another male
had taken over. This presumed new male showed aberrant
behaviour including making incubation bouts during female
recesses, and nest building activities. Four of the five eggs
hatched on 17 June (incubation day 15). The male removed
these hatchlings the same day. The female occasionally
arrived with food, but ate this herself as she found no
nestlings present. The fifth egg hatched the next morning
and was immediately thrown out by the male. The webcam
functioned until 21 June, but regular (manual) nest checks
revealed that a new brood had been initiated after six days
(on 24 June). The nest contained five eggs on 29 June, but
was found abandoned on 15 July, containing one dead twoday
old nestling. Although it is not certain that the male
committing infanticide at the first brood fathered the young
of the replacement brood, this seems likely. However, this
case of infanticide did not result in successful reproduction.
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