DEUZEMAN S, VAN DEN BERG A, VAN DEN AKKER P & VAN TURNHOUT C (2015) Diet, condition and site fidelity of wintering Great Grey Shrikes Lanius excubitor in the Netherlands: is there a relationship with grazing?. LIMOSA 88 (1): 2-10.
In this paper the results of an ongoing study since 2002 on
wintering Great Grey Shrikes in two areas in the Netherlands
are presented. We assessed diet (based on 7,632 pellets, of
which 90% was found under roosting trees), site fidelity
(based on resightings of 48 colour-ringed individuals) and
condition (body mass at ringing, corrected for wing length)
in relation to the type of grazing management in the shrikes’
winter territories. Body mass of ringed Great Grey Shrikes
increased with wing length, but we found no relation
between condition and age of the bird, date or time of
ringing or weather during the two preceding weeks. Average
condition of shrikes in winter territories grazed by cattle
was significantly higher (by 3%) than in ungrazed territories
(Fig. 1), but this depended on one extreme individual in a
grazed site. The diet of wintering Great Grey Shrikes differed
strongly between study sites (Fig. 2). In wet heathlands 45%
of the prey items were voles and mice (mainly Micromys
minutus), in dry heathlands only 29% (mainly Microtus arvalis
and Clethrionomys glareolus). Based on prey weights, voles
and mice formed 64% and 77% of the diet in wet and dry
heathlands, respectively (Fig. 3). Dung beetles (mainly
Typhaeus typhoeus) were frequently caught particularly in
dry heathlands (42% of prey items), but were not important
in terms of weight (<5%). Diets differed only marginally
between grazed and ungrazed sites (Fig. 4). Great Grey
Shrikes exhibited a high fidelity to their winter territories:
only one of the 17 birds resighted during a following winter
was found more than 2 km from the ringing locality. Also
within winters only 4 out of 40 individuals were resighted
further than 2 km away from the ringing site.
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