BOER RS DE, BAUER S, JEUGD HP VAN DER, ENS BJ, GRIFFIN L, CABOT D, EXO KM, NOLET BA & K&oUML;LZSCH a (2014) A comparison of spring migration between three populations of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis using GPS-satellite-transmitters. LIMOSA 87 (2): 99-106.
With the help of GPS technology it has recently become
possible to track individual birds on migration in great detail.
In this study we use GPS satellite transmitters to compare
spring migration of three populations of Barnacle Goose
in space and time: the Russian, Svalbard and Greenland
populations. Populations differed in their migration patterns
and stopover use, which can be related to differences in
routes, in particular whether they had to cross any large-scale
barriers during migration (Tab. 1, Fig. 1). Within populations,
however, migration patterns also differed remarkably
between individuals, especially in the Svalbard and Russian
populations, with some individuals even ‘skipping’ stopovers
altogether and flying ‘directly’ to the breeding grounds
(Fig. 2). Within the Greenland population less variability was
observed, possibly because these birds need to cross two
stretches of ocean during spring migration, which might not
allow for variation in migration patterns. Overall, Barnacle
geese show a remarkable variability in individual migration
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