WASSINK G (2014) Dispersal of juvenile Eagle Owls Bubo bubo from the Netherlands. LIMOSA 87 (2): 91-98.
In 2008-2013 12 young Eagle Owls from the Netherlands were
tracked using battery-powered gps-satellite transmitters and
solar-powered gps-gsm loggers. Tracking devices were programmed
to determine one gps position once every night
and, for the devices used in 2011 and 2013, also one during
the day.
On average, the owls left their natal territories on 18 September
when 173 days old. Tracks during the dispersal phase
were surprisingly straight, with movements predominantly
in northwestern, northeastern and southeastern directions
(Figs. 1 & 3). Owls travelled on average 8 km per night (excluding
stopovers), and at most 70 km (Tab. 2). Already in
the first two weeks of their dispersal the Eagle Owls reached
the maximum distance from the nest (68 km). After about
three weeks 'late autumn sites' were reached, on average at
53 km from the nest (Tab. 1). The owls remained here for on
average 78 days, until the end of December, and arrived at
their final breeding (?) territories in spring. Final territories
were located in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and
France, indicating a frequent exchange between different
European subpopulations.
During the dispersal phase, Eagle Owls regularly travelled
through half-open to open landscapes and also regularly
visited farms and urban areas. Late autumn sites were
characterized by steep hills or high structures like garbage
dumps and push moraine. Here the owls usually did not
roost in the same tree but regularly switched between
day roosts. Coniferous trees were often used as day roosts,
especially during winter.
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