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POTTERS H (2002) Possible case of bigamy by Little Owl Athene noctua. LIMOSA 75 (1): 33-33.

In 2000 two nest boxes in a study area of 2.8 hectare near Roosendaal (province of Noord Brabant) were occupied by Little Owls. These nest boxes were located at a distance of 1 70 meters from each other. Egg laying started at 14 and 15 April, resulting in four and three eggs, respectively. Four chicks were raised in the first nest, but the other clutch failed, possibly due to poor weather at the end of May. Three visits were carried out to count Little Owl territories. These visits taak place under good weather conditions and a tape recorder was used to provoke the male to respond. During these visits only one male was located On the basis of the absence of the second male bigamy was suspectedLittle Owl Athene noctua

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