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DOBBEN WH VAN & JUKEMA J (1994) Short contributions: The Bluethroat Luscinia svecica cyanecula back as a breeding bird in northern Friesland. LIMOSA 67 (3): 115-117.

The presence and breeding of B1uethroats during the late nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century in the northern part of the Dutch province of Friesland has been documented in several publications (A1barda 1984, Thijsse 1913, Eijkman et al. 1937). Additional observations of up to ten pairs (1918-31) were made in the area near the village of Pietersbierum until about twenty years ago, whereafter the species seemed to have disappeared as a breeding bird. However, evidence ofbreeding of B1uethroats (probably two pairs) was recorded near the village of Oosterbierum in 1993. The return of the B1uethroat in this area is probably linked to the increase of populations in other parts of The Netherlands, like the Biesbosch and the Oostvaardersp1assen (e.g., Meijer & van der Nat 1989). Bluethroat Luscinia svecica = Cyalnosylvia svecica

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limosa 67.3 1994
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