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VERCRUIJSSE HJP (1994) Short contributions: First breeding record of the Great Blackbacked Gull Larus marinus in The Netherlands. LIMOSA 67 (3): 111-113.

Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus On 24 May 1993, a Great Black-backed Gull nest with one egg was found on a stone groyne in Lake Veerse Meer, SW-Netherlands. The egg measured 74.3 X53.3 mm, i.e., slightly smaller than mean size given in the literature. The parents were in fully adult plumage. One of the birds, probably the male, was constantly incubating the egg during a 75 min observation period. On 28 May, the nest appeared to be abondoned, and remains of the egg were found at some distance from the nest. The eggshell indicated that the egg was either predated or destroyed in some other way. On 18 June, the adults were still present near the nest site. This is the first breeding attempt of the species in The Netherlands and can be considered as a further southward expansion of the species along the mainland North Sea coast.

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limosa 67.3 1994
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