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PERSSON H (1994) Short contributions: Autumn migration in the Greylag Goose Anser anser; non-stop flight from The Netherlands to Coto de Dofiana?. LIMOSA 67 (2): 79-80.

Between 8.50h and 11.30h a.m. on November 20, 1991, II 400 Greylag Geese were seen migrating SW at Zelzate, north of Gent, Belgium. Probably the same flock was seen in the nearby Kortrijk region: 14450 flying SW in two hours. Later that day, smaller numbers migrated on a much broader front over the whole of WestBelgium. Next day at 3.00h p.m. geese started to arrive at Doiiana National Park in southwestern Spain. During the following 30 hours, more than 30 000 geese arrived. These are the first observations of migration of this species in this flyway suggesting that the majority of Baltic Greylag Geese migrate from The Netherlands to Coto de Doiiana in a non-stop flight. Greylag Goose Anser anser

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limosa 67.2 1994
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