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DIJK A VAN, HUSTINGS F & OFFEREINS R (1994) Short contributions: Breeding records ofRed-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena in The Netherlands in 1980 - 1992.. LIMOSA 67 (2): 76-78.

The Red-necked Grebe is considered a rare breeding bird in The Netherlands and only in a few instances has breeding been proved prior to 1980 (in 1918, 1927 and 1966). In 1980-92, the number of observations in summer months has increased, and breeding was confirmed by observations of adult birds with downy young in 1985 (one location well-documented, another one not documented) and 1988-90 (one location). Besides, breeding was suspected in at least seventeen additional cases (pairs in display, secretive behaviour of solitary bird in suitable habitat, building and visiting of nest): 1981-84 (1 pair), 1985 (2),1986 (1),1988 (1),1989 (3), 1990 (1), 1991 (2) and 1993 (3). For locations involved see fig. 1. The trend observed in The Netherlands (more birds summering and breeding records) seems to be more widespread in Western Europe. Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena

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limosa 67.2 1994
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