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CRBPO (1991) Actualities: Ruff and Whimbrelwith color marks. LIMOSA 64 (2): 87-87.

Ruff Philomachus pugnax Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus In January 1991 in the Delta of Senegal Ruffs with a color mark. Ret purpose of this is more accurately determine the migration routes and stopping places during the spring migration. Ret brands were from the color of abdomen and onderstaartdekveren orange with a yellow dye and the application of color rings. In the Vendee in western France during elkjaar the spring migration Whimbrel gekleurmerkt. Again is the primary purpose of obtaining information on migration routes and stopover loyal to. the light areas of the plumage may be labeled with blue, yellow or pink dye. In addition, every bird a metal ring and three color rings constructed. As the dyes will fade reading color and location of the Rings more important.

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limosa 64.2 1991
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