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BIJLSMA RG & LENSINK R (1990) Short contributions: Increase of Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva?. LIMOSA 63 (3): 114-116.

The Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva is a migrant in The Netherlands from March to the middle of July (N = 70, 196088) and from August to the middle of November (N = 224, 1960-88) (fig. I). On the Sw. Veluwe, where the inte~sity offield work is exactly known over 1974-89, this species was observed once in April-May 1974-79 (3405 observation hours), six times in April-May 1980-84 (2483 hours) and 18 times in April-May 1985-89 (1600 hours). The increase in number of spring observations is therefore reliable. In the 1980s, it was found that singing males increasingly stayed for some days or went to suitable breeding habitat. First breeding was proved near De Steeg (52?02'N, 10? 18'E) in 1989, and probably also near The Hague in 1989 (52?05'N, 4? 16'E). It is thought that the increase in the number of observations in autumn is mainly an artefact of the number of observers.

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limosa 63.3 1990
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