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GERRITSEN GJ (1990) Current research: Question marks around Godwit Limosa limosa islandica Iceland. LIMOSA 63 (2): 82-82.

The Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa islandica breeds especially in Iceland. The most important wintering areas its southern Ireland, southern England and western France. How to draw between Iceland and wintering areas momentum, it is still insufficiently known. To what extent Netherlands Another factor is an interesting question. According to the Handbook of the birds ofthe Western Palearctic There will draw on a broad front location, which the eastern edge in both the fall and spring ZWNoorwegen touches. Netherlands says about the Handbook islandica that occurs sparingly and then mainly in the draw period. That so little is known about the trait of islandica, has a number of reasons. There are very little ringed, leaving only nine foreign messages are returned. Also in the field islandica difficult to distinguish from the nominate limosa (C. & GJ Gerritsen Roselaar soon in Dutch Birding).

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limosa 63.2 1990
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